Falcon Winter Baseball Program 2024-25
- Program begins on Saturday, November 9th and ends on February 8th.
- Program is for all Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors
- All games and practice times will be listed on the Torrey Pines Baseball website – January/February will be updated accordingly
- Cost of Winter Ball is $600
Sign up: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E10164&id=628
F1 Team (Comprised of mostly Juniors and Seniors and invited underclassmen) will play approximately 10-12 Winter games.
F2 Team (Comprised of mostly Sophomores) will play approximately 6-8 Winter games in the SDCBCA AAU Winter league.
F3 Team (Comprised of Freshman) will play approximately 6-8 Winter games in the SDCBCA AAU
Winter league.
Practice Days/Times
Monday 3:45-5:45pm (F2)
Tuesday 3:45-5:45pm (F1, F3)
Wednesday 3:00-5:30pm (F2,F3)
Thursday 3:45-5:45pm (F1)
Friday No practice
Saturday Time TBD (F1, F2) Either game or practice/scrimmage
December 2 – February 8
Monday 3:45-5:45pm (F1)
Tuesday 3:45-5;45pm (F2, F3)
Wednesday 3:00-5:30pm (F1, F2)
Thursday 3:45-5;45pm (F1, F3)
Friday 3:45-5:45pm (F2)
Saturday Time TBD (All teams) Either game or practice/scrimmage
*Weekday practices will utilize the lights in the cages
All games and practice times will be listed on the this website Calendar